Home in Zawiya Ahansal

Home in Zawiya AhansalStudents hike out to remote villages in High Atlas Students hike out to remote villages in High Atlas

For the rural component of our global health program, we partner with the Atlas Cultural Foundation, an American NGO, and SMNID (“forward” in Berber), a local NGO of the Zawiyat Ahansal Community, located in the High Atlas mountains.  

The mission of the Atlas Cultural Foundation is to help underserved Moroccans, especially women and children, improve their quality of life through locally determined development projects.  The ACF focuses on sustainable development through three interrelated areas:  community health and health education, architectural restoration, and children’s education and literacy.

For more information about ACF, visit their website.

For videos of the region and more information about the NGOs, interviews with local women activists, and development projects, visit the ACF video gallery.

Dr. Genevieve Chabot leads students in a Community Health Day

Dr. Genevieve Chabot leads students in a Community Health DayDinner at the Shaykh’s home

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